Marvel Premiere #11 - Frank Brunner art & cover, Steve Ditko reprint

Frank Brunner
Marvel Premiere v1 #11 featuring Doctor Strange, 1973 - Midway through an ongoing storyline, the series abruptly inserts a reprint (perhaps due to a missed deadline). Fortunately, the reprint happens to be Doctor Strange's first origin in Strange Tales #115, showcasing the work of Steve DitkoFrank Brunner supplies the terrific cover, complementing his new framing pages inside. This is 5 of 8 Marvel Premiere issues by Brunner.
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Brunner cover pencils and inks = ***
"Homecoming" Brunner story pencils and inks 3 pages = ***

Frank Brunner
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Marvel Premiere #11 - Frank Brunner art & cover, Steve Ditko reprint Marvel Premiere #11 - Frank Brunner art & cover, Steve Ditko reprint Reviewed by Ted F on 3:53 PM Rating: 5

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