DC Super-Stars #16 - Don Newton art & cover + 1st Star Hunters

DC Super-Stars #16
DC Super-Stars v1 #16 presents Star Hunters, 1977 - The Star Hunters make their first appearance this issue, led by an Errol Flynn-like character named Donovan Flint. This giant comic boasts an impressive story length of over thirty pages. Don Newton's drawings are sound and his layouts paced accordingly. Bob Layton is usually a sympathetic inker to Newton's pencils, but here his inks vary widely in quality. Many pages are beautifully rendered, while others (like the opening splash) seem lacking. What could have been a great Newton piece becomes a merely good one. The adventures of these space heroes continue in Star Hunters #1. This is 1 of 1 DC Super-Stars issues by Newton. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Star Hunters
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Newton cover pencils (Bob Layton inks) = **
"The Star Hunters"
Newton story pencils (Bob Layton inks) 34 pages = ***

Don Newton

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DC Super-Stars #16 - Don Newton art & cover + 1st Star Hunters DC Super-Stars #16 - Don Newton art & cover + 1st Star Hunters Reviewed by Ted F on 11:46 AM Rating: 5


Danman said...

The page you included is of EC caliber.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

That's high praise indeed.

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