Twilight Zone v2 #84 - 1st Frank Miller art

Twilight Zone #84

Twilight Zone v2 #84, 1978Frank Miller's first professional start in comics has much to be desired, and yet there are glimpses of his potential. The tale centers around an obese, tyrannical sheik and his voracious appetite. Despite only three pages, certain figure drawings and panel layouts resemble later works, particularly the details on page 3 panel 3. Though interesting, the art still falls below expectations. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Frank Bolle, Al McWilliams and Jack Sparling. This is 1 of 2 Twilight Zone issues by Miller. /// 1st start Frank Miller
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"Royal Feast" Miller story pencils and inks 3 pages = **

Frank Miller
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Twilight Zone v2 #84 - 1st Frank Miller art Twilight Zone v2 #84 - 1st Frank Miller art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:42 AM Rating: 5

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