Mandrake the Magician #8 - Jeff Jones art

Mandrake the Magician #8
Mandrake the Magician v1 #8, 1967 - Like much of Jeff Jones' early works, the artwork on this back-up tale lacks polish and experienced draftsmanship. The artist clearly struggles with figure drawing and foreshortening throughout the pages. Still, Jones' drawings not completely devoid of potential, as the last two pages depicting an ancient Roman battle clearly show (see interior page shown below). The distinctive layouts and shadowy brushwork are precursors to a style that would emerge only a few years later. This is 1 of 1 Mandrake the Magician issues by Jones.
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"Pharsalus the Triumph of Caesar" Jones story pencils and inks 4 pages = **

Jeff Jones
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Mandrake the Magician #8 - Jeff Jones art Mandrake the Magician #8 - Jeff Jones art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:56 AM Rating: 5

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