Creepy #108 - Alex Nino art

Creepy #108
Creepy v1 #108, 1979 Set in a mental hospital, Alex Nino chronicles a tale that combines the themes of sorcery and madness. His artwork is wildly distorted, bordering on the surreal. Though sometimes difficult to look at, it's completely relevant to the story. Beyond that, Nino's mastery of page composition and sequencing is very much in evidence here. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Val Mayerick, Pablo Marcos, Leo Duranona and Alfredo Alcala. Cover by Terrance Lindall. This is 10 of 14 Creepy issues by Nino. /// Nino gallery
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"Hole in the Head" Nino story pencils and inks 9 pages (black and white) = ****

Alex Nino
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Creepy #108 - Alex Nino art Creepy #108 - Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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