Batman Family #13 - Marshall Rogers, Don Newton art

Batman Family #13
Batman Family v1 #13, 1977 - Unlike previous issues, the storylines in both the Robin/Batgirl and Man-Bat features converge toward the book's end. Don Newton is tasked with drawing the first eight and last thirteen pages. With the exception of the crowded opening splash, his layouts are both energetic and innovative. In particular, the motorcycle racing scenes capture the speed and frenetic pace perfectly (this story was later reprinted in Best of DC #51). By comparison, Marshall Rogers' pencils are somewhat diminished by the thick lines of inker Bob Wiacek (especially the villain's rendition on page 13). That aside, most of the panels and pages are impeccably designed and even include a subtle Neal Adams swipe on page 15, panel 2. This bronze age comic includes cover art by Jim Aparo. This 1 of 1 Batman Family issues by Newton and 3 of 3 Batman Family issues by Rogers.
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"The Man who Melted Manhattan" Newton story pencils (Bob Wiacek inks) 21 pages = ***
"Twilight of the Sunset Gang" Rogers story pencils (Bob Wiacek inks) 8 pages = ***

Don Newton
Marshall Rogers

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Batman Family #13 - Marshall Rogers, Don Newton art Batman Family #13 - Marshall Rogers, Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 6:52 PM Rating: 5

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