My Experience #19 - Wally Wood art

My Experience #19

My Experience v1 #19, 1949 - Starting her nursing career, Lorna nurtures a young man back to health. Subsequently, both he and his brother fall deeply in love with her. Wally Wood's hand is less evident in the pencils, but completely dominates the inking. The artwork is generally crude, with a handful of distinctive panels. Wood's strong sense of lighting sets it apart from the rest of the book. Interestingly, one of the brothers seems purposely drawn to resemble actor John Wayne (see interior page below). Other artists in this issue include C. F. Miller. This is 1 of 3 My Experience issues by Wood.
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"Decision with Danger" Wood partial story pencils (with Martin Rosenthal) and inks 9 pages including the duotone inside front cover = **

Wally Wood
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My Experience #19 - Wally Wood art My Experience #19 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5
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