Star Spangled War Stories #146 - Joe Kubert art & cover

Star Spangled War v1 #146 enemy ace dc comic book cover art by Joe Kubert
Joe Kubert
Star Spangled War Stories v1 #146 featuring Enemy Ace, 1969 - In the middle of the Enemy Ace-featured run, the series abruptly turns to reprinted material. Joe Kubert provides framing pages for two separate stories, from Our Fighting Forces #60 and All-American Men of War #101 respectively. Hurriedly drawn and inked, Kubert does a more effective job on the cover. Enemy Ace and his fellow pilot dominate the layout, their figures conveying the difference between courage and cowardice. This issue also includes cover artwork by Russ Heath, Ross Andru and Pete Costanza. This is 46 of 96 Star Spangled War issues by Kubert
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ****
Kubert pencils and inks 2 framing pages = **

Star Spangled War v1 #146 enemy ace dc comic book page art by Joe Kubert
Joe Kubert
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Star Spangled War Stories #146 - Joe Kubert art & cover Star Spangled War Stories #146 - Joe Kubert art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 4:40 PM Rating: 5

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