Mystery in Space #117 - Don Newton art

Mystery in Space #117
Mystery in Space v1 #117, 1981 - The story of a popular radio disc jockey ends abruptly with an unexpected twist. The artwork is simply drawn, without fanfare, within noticeably tired layouts. Don Newton shows little effort or interest in this short story. Other artists in this bronze age science fiction comic include Carmine Infantino, Jerry Ordway, Rick Veitch, Tom Yeates, Dan Jensen and George Tuska. This is 1 of 1 Mystery in Space issues by Newton.
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"The Following Program is Pre-recorded" Newton story pencils (Steve Mitchell inks) 3 pages = *

Don Newton
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Mystery in Space #117 - Don Newton art Mystery in Space #117 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 5:14 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

DanMan said...

Some nice background details depicting the interior of a radio station.

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