Marvel Fanfare #15 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover

Marvel Fanfare #15 - Barry Windsor Smith 1980s marvel comic book cover
Barry Windsor Smith

9.  Marvel Fanfare v1 #15, 1984 - On April Fool's Day, the Human Torch barrages the Thing with seemingly unending pranks. At first glance, this tale seems almost too slapstick for Barry Smith's sophisticated style. And yet, it works surprisingly well within his superbly paced sequences and artfully designed layouts. Interestingly, the cover portrait of the Thing is quietly sentimental, a contrast against the chaotic story. This outstanding effort is among a handful Smith did during the 1980s. Other artists in this issue include Jack Sparling. This is 1 of 2 Marvel Fanfare issues by Smith. /// Top 10 Smith comics
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Smith cover pencils and inks = ****
"That Night..."
Smith story pencils and inks 19 pages = *****

Marvel Fanfare #15 - Barry Windsor Smith 1980s marvel comic book page
Barry Windsor Smith
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Marvel Fanfare #15 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Marvel Fanfare #15 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:10 PM Rating: 5

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