Marvel Spotlight #3 - Mike Ploog art & cover

Marvel Spotlight #3 Werewolf by Night / bronze age 1970s marvel comic book cover art by Mike Ploog
Mike Ploog

10.  Marvel Spotlight v1 #3 on Werewolf by Night, 1972 - Seeking a book of spells, two occultists capture Jack Russell before they discover his inherited werewolf curse. Like the previous issue, Mike Ploog delivers a highly stylized yet meticulously drawn tale. His unique brushwork oozes over loosely defined, but masterful pencils. Several impressive panels include the shackled monster (see interior page below), a motorcycle careening through a glass window (page 4) and the werewolf's iconic portrait on the opening splash. All contribute to Ploog's most exceptional issue of the series. This is 2 of 8 Marvel Spotlight issues by Ploog. /// Top 10 Ploog comics / original page / Ploog gallery
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Ploog cover pencils and inks = ***
"The Thing In the Cellar"
Ploog story pencils and inks 22 pages = *****

Marvel Spotlight #3 Werewolf by Night / bronze age 1970s marvel comic book page art by Mike Ploog
Mike Ploog
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Marvel Spotlight #3 - Mike Ploog art & cover Marvel Spotlight #3 - Mike Ploog art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:46 PM Rating: 5

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