Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves #45 - Don Newton art

Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves v1 #45, 1974 - Living in the swamp, an old man finds gold with the help of some strange, mossy denizens. One of Don Newton's earliest stories, the artwork contains plenty of detail and effort (see interior page below), but lacks the polish of a more seasoned hand. The people are drawn in caricature, diminishing the effect of a horror story. Newton's best scenes occur when the old man is confronted by local troublemakers (pages 5-6). This story was later reprinted in Haunted #59. Other artists in this issue include Nicholas Alascia, Wayne Howard and Mike Vosburg. Cover by Tom Sutton. This is 1 of 3 Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves issues by Newton.
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"The Treasure Seekers" Newton story pencils and inks 8 pages = **

Don Newton
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Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves #45 - Don Newton art Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves #45 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:04 PM Rating: 5

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