Red Sonja #12 - Frank Brunner cover

Frank Brunner

6.  Red Sonja v1 #12, 1978Frank Brunner's exceptional cover depicts Red Sonja in the aftermath of a battle, poised to take on the next challenger. A second enlarged portrait fills the space behind her, the magenta color emphasizing her fury and savagery. Despite the busy masthead, the composition stands on its own due to the clear contrast between foreground and background. Brunner would draw several covers for the series, but none more impactful. Other artists in this bronze age comic include John Buscema and Joe Rubenstein. This is 1 of 3 Red Sonja issues by Brunner. /// Top 10 Brunner comics / Brunner gallery
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Brunner cover pencils and inks = *****

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Red Sonja #12 - Frank Brunner cover Red Sonja #12 - Frank Brunner cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:52 PM Rating: 5


Dale Brown said...

Have to admit, that's a great cover and exactly the sort of thing to make me buy that issue.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Brunner's bronze age covers were often better than his interior story pages, in my opinion.

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