Iron Man #118 - John Byrne art

Iron Man #118

Iron Man v1 #118, 1979
- Shield becomes infiltrated with spies, just as Tony Stark arrives for a visit. John Byrne does an admirable job on his one and only Iron Man tale. Of his two splash pages, the drawing of the Helicarrier (also shown on the cover) is the more potent image. Much credit goes to inker Bob Layton, who joined the series only two issues prior. His efforts give Iron Man a reflective, metallic sheen rarely emphasized before. Combined with Byrne's superb pencils, the result is one of the best drawn Iron Man stories of the era. This issue also marks the first cameo appearance (two panels) of Jim Rhodes, who would later become the equally-armored War Machine. Cover by Bob Layton. This is 2 of 4 Iron Man issues by Byrne.
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"At the Mercy of my Friends" Byrne story pencils (Bob Layton inks) 17 pages = ****

Iron Man v1 #118 marvel comic book page art by John Byrne
John Byrne
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Iron Man #118 - John Byrne art Iron Man #118 - John Byrne art Reviewed by Ted F on 4:35 PM Rating: 5

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