Marvel Spotlight #5 - Mike Ploog art & cover + 1st Ghost Rider

Marvel Spotlight #5 key issue 1970s bronze age Mike Ploog comic book cover - 1st appearance Ghost Rider
Mike Ploog
Marvel Spotlight v1 #5 on Ghost Rider, 1972 - Johnny Blaze as the Ghost Rider makes his first appearance in this Marvel tryout series. Mike Ploog introduces him with vigor, first on the blurb-heavy cover, then with his almost sacrilegious origin story. The artist's drawings are superb, enhancing the character's dark appeal. In one of the many highlights, a death-defying motorcycle stunt is captured in breathtaking sequence (see interior page below). Overall, the fluidity of Ploog's pencils is nicely maintained by inker Frank Chiaramonte. Written by Mike Friedrich, this origin story was later reprinted in Ghost Rider #10 and Original Ghost Rider #1. This is 4 of 8 Marvel Spotlight issues by Ploog. Ghost Rider would later debut his her own self-titled series. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover, 1st origin Johnny Blaze as the Ghost Rider / Ploog gallery
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Ploog cover pencils and inks = ***
"Origin of the Ghost Rider"
Ploog story pencils (Frank Chiaramonte inks) 22 pages = ****

Marvel Spotlight #5 key issue 1970s bronze age Mike Ploog comic book page - 1st appearance Ghost Rider
Mike Ploog
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Marvel Spotlight #5 - Mike Ploog art & cover + 1st Ghost Rider Marvel Spotlight #5 - Mike Ploog art & cover + 1st Ghost Rider Reviewed by Ted F on 7:29 PM Rating: 5

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