Vanguard Illustrated #7 - 1st Mr. Monster

Vanguard Illustrated #7
Vanguard Illustrated v1 #7, 198 - A superhero that hunts monsters? Michael T. Gilbert introduces the infamous Doc Stearn in this issue's backup tale. Also known as Mr. Monster, he meets a would-be werewolf who desperately seeks his help. Gilbert's story is drawn with noir sensibility by William F. Loebs. Other artists in this issue include George Evans, Walter Stuart and Mike Gustovich. Mike Kaluta draws the unrelated cover. /// key 1st appearance Mr. Monster
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"The Case of the Reluctant Werewolf" 8 pages

1st Mr. Monster 
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eba>this issue
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Vanguard Illustrated #7 - 1st Mr. Monster Vanguard Illustrated #7 - 1st Mr. Monster Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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