Master Comics #13 - 1st Bulletgirl

Master Comics #13
Master Comics v1 #9, 1941 - Appearing in previous Bulletman stories, Susan Kent stumbles upon the hero's secret identity. He reveals to her the serum that gives him great strength and the gravity helmet that enables him to fly. When the hero departs on a mission, she injects herself (without his knowledge) and becomes his partner Bulletgirl. This origin story was drawn by Al Carreno. Other artists in this issue include Charles Sultan, George Tuska and Alex Blum. Cover by Sultan. /// key 1st appearance1st cover, 1st origin Bulletgirl
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Untitled Bulletman story 9 pages

1st Bulletgirl
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Master Comics #13 - 1st Bulletgirl Master Comics #13 - 1st Bulletgirl Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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