Flash #117 - 1st Captain Boomerang

Flash #117
Flash v1 #117, 1960 - A toy company hires a boomerang expert as a celebrity spokesperson for their new line of boomerangs. Unknown to them is "Digger" Harkness' criminal past and the ensuing crime wave using boomerangs. Captain Boomerang would become a frequent opponent of the Flash, long before his joining the Suicide Squad. This story, written by John Broome and drawn by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson, was later reprinted in Best of DC #10. Cover by Infantino and Joe Giella. /// key 1st appearance1st origin, 1st cover Digger Harkness as Captain Boomerang
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"Here Comes Captain Boomerang" 13 pages

1st Captain Boomerang
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Flash #117 - 1st Captain Boomerang Flash #117 - 1st Captain Boomerang Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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