Avengers #43 - 1st Red Guardian

Avengers #43
Avengers v1 #43, 1967 - With the Black Widow held prisoner in a Communist country, Hawkeye and Hercules embark on their own to rescue her. The Red Guardian, created to be the Soviet version of Captain America, defeats them in battle using super strength and guile. Now hostages themselves, the pair of Avengers discover their captor is the Widow's husband. This Roy Thomas story was drawn by John Buscema and George Roussos. Cover by Buscema and Roussos. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Alexi Shostakov as Red Guardian
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"Color Him Red Guardian" 20 pages
1st Red Guardian
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Avengers #43 - 1st Red Guardian Avengers #43 - 1st Red Guardian Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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