Iron Man #68 - Jim Starlin cover

Jim Starlin
Iron Man v1 #68, 1977 - Caught between Sunfire and the Uniform, Ol' Shellhead is in a precarious spot. Fitting three characters within the same perspective is tricky, but Jim Starlin does a better job than most. The stone arch above them helps frame the action. This is the only Starlin work with Dave Cockrum inks that I'm aware of, bringing a nice polish to the pencils. Also, this issue features a new Iron Man helmet design with slight protrusion on the nose. Other artists in this bronze age comic include George Tuska and Mike Esposito. This is 4 of 7 Iron Man issues by Starlin. /// original coverStarlin gallery
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Starlin cover pencils (Dave Cockrum inks) = ***

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Iron Man #68 - Jim Starlin cover Iron Man #68 - Jim Starlin cover  Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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