Young Romance #186 - non-attributed Nestor Redondo cover

Nestor Redondo 
Young Romance v1 #186, 1972 - Not attributed in comic book guides, only one source attributes this cover to Nestor Redondo. While not as detailed as other works like Swamp Thing and Rima, there are enough characteristics that match his style. The faces and figures are clearly executed by an experienced hand, while the churning waves in the background is evidence of extra effort in design. Note that this is Redondo's one and only romance comic in the US. This is 1 of 1 Young Romance issues by Redondo.
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Redondo cover pencils and inks = ***

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Young Romance #186 - non-attributed Nestor Redondo cover Young Romance #186 - non-attributed Nestor Redondo cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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