Vampire Tales #8 - 1st Blade solo

Vampire Tales #8
Vampire Tales v1 #8, 1974 - After first appearing in Tomb of Dracula and a run-in with Morbius in Fear #24, Blade the vampire slayer makes his way back to London. A female friend asks for his help in locating and destroying a vampire coven, only to find himself vastly outnumbered. Written by Marv Wolfman and drawn by Tony DeZuniga, Blade's mother and background are mentioned for the first time. The hero's first solo story concludes in the following issue. Other artists in this issue includes Mike Vosburg, Tom Sutton and Frank Chiaramonte. /// key 1st solo story Blade
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"Beware the Legions" 11 pages

1st Blade solo
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Vampire Tales #8 - 1st Blade solo Vampire Tales #8 - 1st Blade solo Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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