Detective Comics #20 - 1st Crimson Avenger

Detective Comics #20
Detective Comics v1 #20, 1938 - A masked crimefighter with a gun, the Crimson Avenger starts out as a typical vigilante hero in the pulp tradition. Along with the cape and hat, he looks suspiciously like the Shadow, who debuted on the radio in 1930. The Crimson, as he's referred to in the story, also has a young Asian sidekick named Wing. Interestingly, his use of a "gas gun" pre-dates a similar weapon used by the Sandman, who appeared a year later in New York World's Fair Comics (#1). One of several features in this issue, this Crimson Avenger tale was written and drawn by Jim Chambers. Other artists in this issue include Joe Shuster (of Superman fame), Homer Fleming, Fred Guardineer and Bill Ely. Cover by Leo O'Mealia. /// key 1st appearance Lee Travis as the Crimson Avenger, Wing
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"The Crimson Avenger" 6 pages

1st Crimson Avenger 
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Detective Comics #20 - 1st Crimson Avenger Detective Comics #20 - 1st Crimson Avenger   Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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