Doctor Strange #177 - Gene Colan art

Doctor Strange #177
Doctor Strange v1 #177, 1969 - Hurled into another dimension by the Sons of Satannish, Clea and Doctor Strange fend off attacks by savage, alien plant life. When Asmodeus takes his form to fool the Ancient One, Strange adopts a darker new look that masks his face. Gene Colan started on this series in Dr. Strange #172, but meets his true potential in this issue. His kinetic drawings and wild layouts serve the character well. The pencils are further enhanced by Tom Palmer, arguably Marvel's best inker at the time. /// select Colan art 
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"The Cult and the Curse" Colan pencils (Tom Palmer inks) 20 pages

Gene Colan
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Doctor Strange #177 - Gene Colan art Doctor Strange #177 - Gene Colan art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 5:06 PM Rating: 5

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