Shock Suspenstories #10 - Wally Wood art

Shock Suspenstories #10
Shock Suspenstories v1 #10, 1953 - Strapped to the electric chair, a killer's life story is told from two different perspectives: his and that of his parents. Each page toggles back and forth between perspectives, nicely rendered by Wally Wood. The opening page is especially jarring, juxtaposing the parents in their bright, comfortable home against the darkened portrayal of the main character. The pacing is not unexpected, but appropriate given the story's thought-provoking theme. Other artists in this golden age comic include Reed Crandall, Jack Kamen and Joe Orlando. Cover by Kamen. This is 9 of 14 Shock Suspenstories issues by Wood.
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”So Shall Ye Reap" Wood pencils and inks 7 pages = ***

Wally Wood
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Shock Suspenstories #10 - Wally Wood art Shock Suspenstories #10 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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