Punisher v4 #2 - Bernie Wrightson art & cover

Bernie Wrightson
The Punisher v4 #2, 1998 - The angel Gadriel brings the Punisher back to life, enlisting him in a war against demons. Daimon Hellstrom, the son of Satan, stands with them against these dark forces. Bernie Wrightson's drawings and layouts are not on the level of previous works. It's partially due to delegating the finishes to other artists. Mostly it seems just a lack of effort from the artist. Especially on the cover. This is 2 of 4 Punisher issues by Wrightson
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Wrightson cover painting (with Joe Jusko) = **
"The Mark of Cain" Wrightson pencils (Jimmy Palmiotti inks) 22 pages = **

Bernie Wrightson
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Punisher v4 #2 - Bernie Wrightson art & cover Punisher v4 #2 - Bernie Wrightson art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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