National Comics #1 - 1st Uncle Sam

National Comics #1
National Comics v1 #1, 1940 - A young boy sees his grandfather killed by a growing fascist army in the US. The "purple shirts" are poised to kidnap the president, take over the government, and declare a dictatorship. Out of seemingly nowhere comes Uncle Sam, who embodies the American spirit. Super strong and invulnerable, he puts down the insurrection with ease. Based on the character on James Montgomery Flagg's famous 1916 poster, Will Eisner turns him into the newest patriotic superhero. Other features include Wonder Boy, the Cyclone, Merlin the Magician, Kid Patrol and others. "Uncle Sam" was drawn by Eisner and Dave Berg. Cover by Lou Fine. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Uncle Sam, 1st issue
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"Uncle Sam" 9 pages

1st Uncle Sam
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National Comics #1 - 1st Uncle Sam National Comics #1 - 1st Uncle Sam Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:50 AM Rating: 5

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