Sub-Mariner v2 #19 - Marie Severin cover + 1st Stingray

Marie Severin
Sub-Mariner v2 #19, 1969 - Stripped of his ability to breathe underwater, Namor is captured by the US government for questioning. Standing by is Dr. Walter Newell, an oceanographer introduced three issues ago. Now calling himself Stingray, his newly built exoskeleton allows him to become the newest superhero who navigates underwater. Marie Severin, the series artist since issue twelve, turns in one of the best covers of the era. While emphasizing the new character, the C-shaped layout leads the reader's eye from the masthead / trade dress to the headline with one smooth stroke. This Roy Thomas story was drawn by Severin and Johnny Craig. /// key 1st appearance Walter Newell as Stingray / select Severin cover
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Severin cover pencils (Johnny Craig inks)
"Support Your Local Sting-Ray" 20 pages

1st Stingray
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Sub-Mariner v2 #19 - Marie Severin cover + 1st Stingray Sub-Mariner v2 #19 - Marie Severin cover + 1st Stingray Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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