Many Ghosts of Dr. Graves #55 - Steve Ditko cover

Steve Ditko
Many Ghosts of Dr. Graves v1 #55, 1976 - Few artists could eschew depth and modeling successfully like Steve Ditko. Although his cover's picture plane is relatively flat, the drawing puts a strong emphasis on design. The pointed leaves in the foreground contrast nicely against the curved forms of the feline shadow. Other artists in this issue include Charles Nicholas, Vince Alascia and Tom Sutton. This is 37 of 42 Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves issues by Ditko.
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Ditko cover pencils and inks pages = **

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Many Ghosts of Dr. Graves #55 - Steve Ditko cover Many Ghosts of Dr. Graves #55 - Steve Ditko cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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