X-men #64 - 1st Sunfire, Landmark issue

X-men #64 marvel key issue 1970s bronze age comic book cover - 1st appearance Sunfire
X-men #64
X-men v1 #64, 1970 - Seeking revenge for Hiroshima, young Shiro Yoshida uses his mutant powers to attack the US Capitol building. The X-men intervene and feel the full brunt of his solar powers. Only by tragic circumstances does Shiro change his stance. Sunfire makes his debut as Marvel's first Asian superhero. Later, he would be recruited as one of the new bronze age X-men. This Roy Thomas story was drawn by Don Heck and Tom Palmer. Cover by Heck and Palmer. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Shiro Yoshida as Sunfire, Landmark issue (1st Marvel Asian superhero)
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"The Coming of Sunfire" 20 pages

X-men #64 marvel key issue 1970s bronze age comic book page - 1st appearance Sunfire
1st Sunfire
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X-men #64 - 1st Sunfire, Landmark issue X-men #64 - 1st Sunfire, Landmark issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:30 PM Rating: 5

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