Doctor Solar Man of the Atom #1 - 1st appearance

Doctor Solar Man of the Atom #1
Doctor Solar Man of the Atom v1 #1, 1962 - Due to sabotage at an experimental atomic facility, a nuclear scientist is exposed to vast amounts of radiation. He not only survives but gains new radioactive powers. Interestingly, this origin and first appearance of Dr. Solar does not show him adopting a superhero persona and costume. This Paul S. Newman story was drawn by Bob Fujitani. After the series ended in 1982, the character would later be revived as Solar by Valiant publishing. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Doctor Solar
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"Solar's Secret" / "An Atomic Inferno" 32 pages

1st Doctor Solar

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Doctor Solar Man of the Atom #1 - 1st appearance Doctor Solar Man of the Atom #1 - 1st appearance Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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