X-men #28 - 1st Banshee

X-men #28
X-men v1 #28, 1967 - With the aid of a mutant with powerful sonic powers, the Ogre plots to kidnap Professor X. Their assault on the school results in the capture of Banshee. When a second attack is thwarted, it's revealed that this mutant was manipulated by his co-conspirator. Banshee would appear sporadically in other Marvel titles over the years, before joining the X-men's bronze age team. This Roy Thomas story was drawn by Werner Roth and Dick Ayers. Cover by Roth and John Tartaglione. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Sean Cassidy as Banshee, 1st appearance Ogre
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"Wail of the Banshee" 20 pages

1st Banshee 
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X-men #28 - 1st Banshee X-men #28 - 1st Banshee Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:08 PM Rating: 5

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