Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #83 - Carl Barks art

Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #83
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories v1 #83, 1947 - Intent on having a daytime nap, Donald Duck is constantly pestered by traveling salesmen. This running gag allows Carl Barks to pace the story rapidly, while Donald's temper slowly comes to a boil. While most of the panels are one-eighth of a page, his final scene is a wide shot of him in a characteristic rage. This story was later reprinted in Mickey and Donald #7. Cover by Walt Kelly. This is 52 of 280 Walt Disney's Comics and Stories issues by Barks.
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Untitled Barks story pencils and inks 10 pages = ***

Carl Barks
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Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #83 - Carl Barks art Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #83 - Carl Barks art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 10:47 AM Rating: 5
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