Marvel Spotlight #32 - 1st Spider-woman

Marvel Spotlight #32 key issue 1970s bronze age comic book cover - 1st appearance Spider-woman
Marvel Spotlight #32
Marvel Spotlight v1 #32, 1977 - Recruited by Hydra, an amnesiac woman named Arachne is sent to save her agent lover and kill Nicky Fury. Discovering she has been lied to by her handlers, Spider-Woman seeks revenge. Her first appearance also reveals her traumatic origin, forcing her to escape and self-isolate. This Archie Goodwin story was drawn by Sal Buscema and Jim Mooney. Cover by Gil Kane. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover1st origin Jessica Drew as Spider-woman
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"Dark Destiny" 17 pages

Marvel Spotlight #32 key issue 1970s bronze age comic book cover page - 1st appearance Spider-woman
1st Spider-woman
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Marvel Spotlight #32 - 1st Spider-woman Marvel Spotlight #32 - 1st Spider-woman Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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