Strange Adventures #205 - 1st Deadman

Strange Adventures #205
Strange Adventures v1 #205, 1967 - Shot by a sniper, aerialist Boston Brand falls to his death during a circus performance. Incredibly, he's given a second chance by the deity Rama Kushna. Deadman, making his first appearance, searches for his killer as a wraith with the ability to possess the living. Written by Arnold Drake and drawn by Carmine Infantino story pencils / George Roussos, this story was reprinted in DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #5 and Deadman #1. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover, 1st origin Boston Brand as Deadman
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"Who Has Been Lying in My Grave?" 16 pages

1st Deadman appearance

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Strange Adventures #205 - 1st Deadman Strange Adventures #205 - 1st Deadman Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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