All-American Comics #19 - 1st Atom

All-American Comics #19
All-American Comics v1 #19, 1940 - Small in stature and miserable because of it, Al Pratt befriends an old boxing trainer down on his luck. He offers to help him build up his muscles into fighting shape. The young man exceeds expectations, achieving almost super-human strength. In his first appearance, the Atom foils a kidnapping attempt prior to donning a new costume and persona. This Bill O'Connor story was drawn by Ben Flinton and Leonard Sansone. This issue also includes art by Al Helfant. Cover art by Sheldon Moldoff. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin Al Pratt as the Atom 
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"Introducing the Mighty Atom" 6 pages

1st golden age Atom
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All-American Comics #19 - 1st Atom All-American Comics #19 - 1st Atom Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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