Spectacular Spider-man #64 - Ed Hannigan cover + 1st Cloak and Dagger

Spectacular Spider-man #64
Spectacular Spider-man v2 #64, 1982 - Hiding out on an abandoned Ellis Island, the mob experiments with new addictive drugs on young runaways. Most perish, but two teenagers escape and later seek those involved. Spider-man enters the fray, trying to temper their desire for revenge. The identities of Cloak (Tyrone Johnson) and Dagger (Tandy Bowen) are not yet disclosed, nor are the origins of their odd superpowers. They would appear in subsequent issues of Spectacular Spider-man before earning their own series. Ed Hannigan makes their debut all the more special with his arresting cover. Not only due to the complex layout, but his typography is reminiscent of Will Eisner's Spirit in the 1940s. This Bill Mantlo story was drawn by Hannigan and Jim Mooney. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Tyrone Johnson as Cloak, Tandy Bowen as Dagger / select Hannigan cover
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Hannigan cover pencils and inks
"Cloak and Dagger" 21 pages

1st Cloak and Dagger
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Spectacular Spider-man #64 - Ed Hannigan cover + 1st Cloak and Dagger Spectacular Spider-man #64 - Ed Hannigan cover + 1st Cloak and Dagger Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:30 PM Rating: 5

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