Micronauts #1 - 1st appearance

Micronauts #1
Micronauts v1 #1, 1979 - The return of space explorer Acturus Rann (Space Glider) coincides with a revolt against the elite rulers of Homeworld. Princess Mari (Marionette) escapes is subsequently joined by other freedom fighters. Among them: Rann, Acroyear and Bug. Based on the Mego toy line, this comes on the heels of Star Wars. Micronauts even uses similar elements: two droids (Micotron and Biotron) and a powerful black-clad villain (Baron Karza). This Bill Mantlo story was drawn by Michael Golden. Cover art by Dave Cockrum. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Micronauts, 1st issue 
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"Homeworld / Homecoming / Escape"  story pencils and inks 17 pages

1st Micronauts 
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Micronauts #1 - 1st appearance Micronauts #1 - 1st appearance Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:10 AM Rating: 5

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