Marvel Two-In-One #1 - 1st issue

Marvel Two-In-One #1
Marvel Two-In-On v1 #1, 1974 - After a two issue tryout in Marvel Feature #11-12, the Thing begins his own team-up series. This first issue co-stars the Man-Thing (hence the "two in one"). Typically, subsequent issues would feature a different character paired with the Thing, even across multi-issue storylines. This Steve Gerber story was drawn by Gil Kane and Joe Sinnott. Cover art by Kane and John Romita. /// key 1st issue
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"Vengeance of the Molecule Man" 19 pages

Marvel Two-In-One #1

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Marvel Two-In-One #1 - 1st issue Marvel Two-In-One #1 - 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:36 PM Rating: 5

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