Journey into Mystery Annual #1 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Hercules

Jack Kirby
Journey into Mystery v1 Annual #1, 1965 - Inadvertently entering fabled Olympus, Thor encounters the demi-god Hercules. Naturally, a battle ensues that occupies nearly the entire story. Non-stop action is the crux of Jack Kirby's drawings. but the inks are less than stellar. Same goes for the two-page bonus feature, displaying a wondrous Asgardian street scene. Sol Brodsky's finishes on the cover are far better, but the composition is overly crowded. "When Titans Clash" boasts the first appearance of Hercules, later reprinted in Marvel Treasury Edition #3 and Giant-size Thor #1. Most of the issue contains reprints from Journey into Mystery #85, #93 and #97. This issue also includes art by Joe Sinnott and Don Heck. This is 1 of 1 Journey Into Mystery Annual issues by Kirby. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Hercules, 1st issue
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Kirby cover pencils (Sol Brodsky inks) = **
"When Titans Clash" Kirby story pencils (Vince Colletta inks) 15 pages = ** 
"Thor Bonus Feature" Kirby story pencils (Vince Colletta inks) 2 pages = **

Jack Kirby

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Journey into Mystery Annual #1 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Hercules Journey into Mystery Annual #1 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Hercules Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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