Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #228 - Carl Barks art

Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #228
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories v1 #228, 1959 - Pressed by the members of the Duckburg Watchful Parents Club, Donald must ensure the safety of his nephews during a trip to Ecuador. Naturally, Huey, Louie and Dewey prove to be more responsible than their well-intentioned uncle. The exotic locale is one of many Carl Barks used over the decades. Like the other tales, he revels in drawing various peoples and their cultures. Page 3 is noteworthy due to its unusual, but appropriate panel shapes. Barks uses them quite effectively for a turning point in the story. This story was later reprinted in Walt Disney Comics Digest #24 and Donald Duck Adventures #13. Other artists in this golden age comic include Al Hubbard. This is 188 of 280 Walt Disney's Comics and Stories issues by Barks.
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Untitled Barks story pencils and inks 10 pages = ****

Carl Barks
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Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #228 - Carl Barks art Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #228 - Carl Barks art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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