Blue Ribbon Comics v3 #2 - Alex Nino art

Blue Ribbon Comics v3 #2
Blue Ribbon Comics v3 #2, 1983 - Five hundred years ago, an English prince is assassinated by own brother to deny him the throne. Centuries later, he returns as Mr. Justice, a wraith that exacts vengeance on present day evildoers. Alex Nino's inking dominates the pencils, vastly improving the overall artwork. His unique approach adds a grim quality throughout. This is especially appropriate for this dark character and his grisly powers. Rich Buckler provides the wrap-around cover. This is 1 of 1 Blue Ribbon Comics by Nino.
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"Blood Tide" Nino story inks (Trevor Von Eeden pencils) 30 pages = ***

Alex Nino
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Blue Ribbon Comics v3 #2 - Alex Nino art Blue Ribbon Comics v3 #2 - Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5


Mike said...

"Rudy Nebres provides the wrap-around cover" - you mean that cover that looks like it was drawn (and inked?) by Rich Buckler (who did a fair number of Red Circle covers) and and has 'R. Buckler' clearly visible down the side of the girl's leg? Cheers, Mike

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Corrected. Thanks for pointing that out. Nebres did work for this publisher and stylistically it looked like his work. I completely missed the signature.

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