Witzend #8 - Wally Wood, Frank Frazetta, Steve Ditko art

Witzend #8
Witzend v1 #8, 1971 - Opening the issue is the third installment of World of the Wizard King, a fantasy series populated with fine Wally Wood illustrations. A single page by Steve Ditko shows the artist's more humorous side, in a tale likely drawn a decade or two earlier. By far the best inclusion is an Edgar Allan Poe poem, magnificently drawn by Frank Frazetta. A more modern setting puts the words in a new context. Even in black and white, the artist demonstrates a high level of draftsmanship. These previously unpublished illustrations are also likely from an earlier decade. Other artists in this issue include Ralph Reese. This is 5 of 5 Witzend issues by Ditko, 5 of 5 Witzend issues by Frazetta and 7 of 10 Witzend issues by Wood.
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"The Break-Out" Ditko story pencils and inks 1 pages = **
"King of the World" (pt. 3) Wood text illos pencils and inks 5 pages = ***
" The City in the Sea" Frazetta text illos pencils and inks 10 pages = *****
(All interiors in black and white)
Steve Ditko
Wally Wood

Frank Frazetta

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Witzend #8 - Wally Wood, Frank Frazetta, Steve Ditko art Witzend #8 - Wally Wood, Frank Frazetta, Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:42 AM Rating: 5

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