Walt Disney Comics Digest #5 - Carl Barks art & reprint

Walt Disney Comics Digest v1 #5, 1968 - Regarded by some as Carl Barks' last comic book work (story and art), "The Dainty Daredevil"chronicles Daisy Duck's quest for find a job best suited to her talents. Reprinting comic book tales in digest form usually means a size reduction from the original intent. In this case, the artist seems to have drawn this story with the smaller page in mind. With only 3-4 panels per page, Barks shows no loss of skill or effort. "The Strange Shipwrecks", another Barks work, was reprinted from Uncle Scrooge #23. Other artists in this silver age digest include Tony Strobl. This is 1 of 1 Walt Disney Comics Digest issues by Barks.
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"The Dainty Daredevil" Barks story pencils and inks 8 pages = ***

Carl Barks

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Walt Disney Comics Digest #5 - Carl Barks art & reprint Walt Disney Comics Digest #5 - Carl Barks art & reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

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