Rom #67 - Steve Ditko art, Jim Starlin cover

Jim Starlin
Rom (Spaceknight) v1 #67, 1985Leaving his friends behind, Rom leaves Earth to seek the solitude of the stars. Steve Ditko, midway through his run on the series, continues to look good due to Craig Russell's exceptional inking. The fact that there are four full page splashes also doesn't hurt. On the cover, Jim Starlin uses a multi-faceted background as a counterpoint to the two main figures. His artwork is adequate, drawn in his familiar eclectic style. This is 9 of 17 Rom issues by Ditko and 1 of 1 Rom issues by Starlin.
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = ***
"Lifesong" Ditko story pencils (P. Craig Russell inks) 22 pages = ****

Steve Ditko
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Rom #67 - Steve Ditko art, Jim Starlin cover Rom #67 - Steve Ditko art, Jim Starlin cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:21 AM Rating: 5

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