King Conan #6 - Walt Simonson cover

Walt Simonson
King Conan v1 #6, 1981 - Standing amidst his vanquished foes, Conan seems apprehensive to receive an embrace a woman who may be responsible for the carnage. The emphasis on line is a hallmark of Walt Simonson's work. often combining to form textures. His cover layout is masterful, striking a good balance of elements. The background drapery is a clever addition, leading the readers' eye from masthead to story title. Other artists in this copper age comic include John Buscema and Ernie Chan. This is number 1 of 1 King Conan issues by Simonson
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Simonson cover pencils and inks = ***

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King Conan #6 - Walt Simonson cover King Conan #6 - Walt Simonson cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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