Epic Illustrated #8 - Jim Starlin art

Epic Illustrated #8
Epic Illustrated v1 #8, 1981 - Arriving on the planet Dreamsend, Aknaton, Vanth Dreadstar and the rest of the crew locate the galaxy-shattering Infinity Horn. Jim Starlin's painterly approach to drawing gives the story a rich, emotive tone. The color palette is cooler and more somber. Despite only eight pages, two splashes break up the pacing and avoid monotony. Other artists in this copper age science fiction magazine include Arthur Sudyam and Charles Vess. Cover by Howard Chaykin. This is 8 of 13 Epic Illustrated issues by Starlin.
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"Dreamsend" Starlin story art 8 pages = ***

Jim Starlin
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Epic Illustrated #8 - Jim Starlin art Epic Illustrated #8 - Jim Starlin art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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