Popular Teen-Agers #14 - Wally Wood art

Popular Teen-Agers #14

Popular Teen-Agers v1 #14, 1952 - Through her insults and selfish actions, a self-described 'fiery redhead" terrorizes her small community until a newly arrived man puts her in her place. There's plenty of cringe-worthy scenes in this 1950s romance comic, starting with opening spanking panel. Artistically, Wally Wood's drawings are far from polished. There is an emerging style, however, that would later become hallmarks. Dramatic lighting and contrasts are used throughout, which distinguishes the tale from the rest of the book. Other artists in this golden age romance issue include Ken Battefield. Cover by L.B. Cole. This is 1 of 2 Popular Teen-Agers issues by Wood.
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"I Was a Shrew" Wood story pencils and inks 9 pages = **

Wally Wood
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Popular Teen-Agers #14 - Wally Wood art Popular Teen-Agers #14 - Wally Wood art  Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5
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