Creepy #94 - Alex Nino art

Creepy v1 #94, 1978 - Set sometime in the future, a young boy goes on the ultimate fishing trip: a time travel expedition to the dinosaur age. Alex Nino uses small panels against large backdrops to immerse readers into the story. His drawings are precisely rendered, but his panoramas of a prehistoric world are breathtaking (see interior page below). The added gray tones are especially effective in creating distance and atmosphere. This story was later reprinted in Creepy #119. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Dick Giordano, Martin Salvador and Alfredo Alcala. This is 3 of 14 Creepy issues by Nino. /// Nino gallery
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"Backwaters and Timing Circles" Nino story pencils and inks 9 pages (black and white) = *****

Alex Nino
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Creepy #94 - Alex Nino art Creepy #94 - Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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