Popular Teen-Agers #15 - Wally Wood art

Popular Teen-Agers #15
Popular Teen-Agers v1 #15, 1953 - Burdened by a sick mother and a physically abusive father, Ethel sneaks out to a party and only makes things worse. Typical of 1950s comics, young women were openly treated as property or children. At ten pages, this romance tale is longer than average. The pencils are extremely mediocre, but Wally Wood's inks do add a distinctive quality. Some panels are better than others, but the overall level of detail is inconsistent. Still, enough persists to mark this story as an early effort by Wood. Another source credits this tale to George Tuska, but I disagree. Other artists in this golden age issue include Jay Disbrow. Cover by L.B. Cole. This is 2 of 2 Popular Teen-Agers issues by Wood.
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"I Was Starved for Love" Wood story inks 10 pages = **

Wally Wood
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Popular Teen-Agers #15 - Wally Wood art Popular Teen-Agers #15 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5
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